Thursday, August 7, 2008

why?? why??

Hate it when this happen to me - mental block. Always happen to me. Ish.. Don't know how to avoid/prevent it. Huhuhuhu... I need to take ginko biloba - as suggested & recommended by MaiH. Mana nak dpt ye u??

I have something on my mind while I was in the middle of completing my work. But then when I want to start typing, all my ideas had flew away. Hiyarkkk... Jaring koyak loo...

***If u guys notice, I will start writing in Eng when I got an event that need me to use Eng. Ahakss.. So pura2. I feel more comfortable to write my post in BM. Hmm... But polishing my Eng is a must. Kalau tak berkarat la ia. Ehehehe...

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