Friday, October 31, 2008

8th rally

Yeiii!!! Finally team Ida & Tania managed to settle at no 3 out of 5. That the good news. The bad news is another team from M'sia, Bernie & Henry settled at the last place. Thats the end of their journey in TARA3. Huhuhuu... (Uhhh... Payah benor aku nak siapkan 1 paragraph fully in english. Sambung penceritaan in BM.)

Aku adalah penyokong pasukan yg diwakili oleh 2 orang wanita. No offend ya!!! Walaupun bukan team dari M'sia. Team dari M'sia sudah semestinya menjadi idaman hati. Lalalala...

Ida & Tania mula race 4 jam dibelakang team pertama yg mulakan race semalam iaitu Tish & Geoff. Mujur jugak la the 1st & second task, tempat nak melakukan task tu ada operating hours. So, jurang masa antara peserta dapat dirapatkan.

Dalam leg kali ni diaorang kena travel ke India dari Hong Kong. 3 team pilih penerbangan ke India melalui Singapora. Manakala team Ida-Tania & AD-Fuzie memilih penerbangan via Mumbai which the distance is nearer than those who travel via Singapore.

Sekali lagik Ida-Tania diselamatkan dengan operating hours kuil yg diaorang kena dapatkan klu for the next task. Team diaorang ni sangat lay back. Relax je. Not so much tense. They have to be the 1st to arrive at the pit stop or else they will get 30 minutes penalty. Nasib tidak menyebelahi mereka. They were 2nd to arrive.

AD-Fuzie were the 3rd team to arrive. Tapi disebabkan masa tu Ida-Tania de 30 minutes penalty, makanya AD-Fuzie came to 2nd place. Yg kelakornya masa dah nak sampai ke pit stop, beria mereka berdua berlari2 anak. Dalam last leg diaorang ditegur oleh Allan sebab tak pernah berlari sejak race bermula.

Go!!! Go!!! Go!!!

Aku menyokong AD-Fuzie & Ida-Tania tuk episod yg seterusnya. Hiksss...

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