Monday, March 31, 2008


Hmm.. Penat rsnyer. Lepas setelkan hal aku, kene lak masuk opis. Everything went well.

Arghhh... But I ruined everything. Owh.. Is there any other chances??? Huhuuhu..

I need some rest. Rite now.. Td pun sempat terlelap jap on d way back.

Oho.. Tak sabaq to wait for next wik episode, d season finale of Ghost.. Something dat can cheer my day rite now is ... Hmm... Nothing kot. I juz need some moment to be alone..

I'm in frustration-a bit... *** Where do I put my matric's result?? Arghhh..

Had my lunch alone & I didn't manage to finish up my meal. Uwaaa..

***I'm supposed to be on leave 2day. Uhhh.. Dah le on Sat I can't online coz there was some networking probs...



Anonymous said...

so how's ur interview???went well???

aku tgh tekanan ni...tak dpt tgk citer ghost...something wrong dgn media prima pny web kot...tv3 pon tak dpt.

p/s: ade season 2 btw...btambah suspens je...

Anonymous said...

yupss.. there is 2nd season. tp dlm paper smlm de kater yg by d of dis 1st season dah dpt tau saper bunuh z. tunggu next wik la yerr.. huhuuhuu.. smlm aku dah tgk ghost. so, takyah la ari nih aku ssh pyh nak nonton ol. ehehe...
