Monday, March 10, 2008

like flowing river

Thanx a lot to MaiH. One of my wishlist dah terlaksana.. 3 more to go.

Ni pun dah berura2 nak tmbh wishlist. Tp nak bagi yg dlm senarai tuh abeh dilaksanakan dulu.

Hope soon I'll get what I want especially the last one in my wishlist. Aminnn..


mysenoir said...

i see u've crossed the book of ur wishlist ;p u nk yg plg last dlm wishlist? i thought yg plg 1st tu u pny priority skg. ops.. sbnanye dats my priority. heheeehh
so fren, wishing u'll get all that u wished for. aja!

Anonymous said...

oho... of coz la yg 1st tuh is my priority too.. wanting it so much. dok terbayang2 dah tgn & jari jemari i dok usap mende tuh. ehehehe.. saiko..

wat maser nih, yg last tuh tetap berada di tangga terakhir. yg d last one i wish cannot be bought with money. priceless.. it's to precious...

biler dah cukup ready to commit with d last one i wish, i'll open d door to candidates out there. tungguuuu...

tp kalu dah de yg berjaya mengetuk sblom maser tuh tibe, tak tau la. walallahualam..
