Monday, March 17, 2008

qualities to look 4 in a partner

Ten Essential Qualities to Look for in a Partner.

Here is a list of good qualities to look for while you are on your long and hard quest to find your soul mate. Each is extremely important and is listed in no particular order. Remember that no one is perfect. Some of the most endearing qualities about a partner can be their little imperfections. So do not expect to find someone that will fit all of the following characteristics.

A caring soul.
The most important quality to look for in a mate is their heart. Look for someone who can show his or her love and respect for you. This also includes someone that has a similar moral. After all, you don’t want to be constantly dumped on in the relationship.

Someone you can communicate with.
Communication is the key to a lasting relationship. Without communication a relationship can not possible last. Communication will help your partner and yourself through the hard times by discussing the problem and agreeing upon a suitable resolution.

Similar tastes in humor.
Look for someone that will really enjoy your jokes. More importantly, look for someone who will make you laugh and have a good time. If the prospective mate’s jokes are boring or even offensive, this should be a flag to stop pursuing this individual.

Intellectually stimulating.
Look for a partner that will make you think. After all it is a great feeling to find someone that you can talk to for hours and be so involved in the conversation that you are oblivious to everything around you.

Similar Sexual Appetite.
If you have a strong sexual appetite, then it wouldn’t be a good idea being with someone that is hasty with sex or vice versa. Remember that sex is one of the leading causes that couples end relationships over.

Similar interest.
Sharing a few common interests will help strengthen your relationship. The reason being is that the two of you will spend time each week together doing something you both will enjoy. Be careful not to be with someone that has most of the same interest’s and hobbies because this can lead to one person in the relationship feeling inferior to the other person’s talents.

Enough personal time.
Look for someone that likes to have his or her own personal time. So that way both of you can go see your friends and have sometime apart. Having too much togetherness will lead to a boring and monotonous relationship. In turn, that will lead to one or both partners keeping an eye open for a new mate.

Good health.
Try to find someone that can live as long of a life as you can. If they have bad health, then this could bring forth an abrupt end to any plans of growing old together. A good quality to look for is someone that enjoys keeping fit and active. After all, you might have kids with this person someday. Remember that some health problems are genetic.

This is something that the ladies have to look for more so than the guys do. Reflect on how mature your partner really is. If they lack the maturity that you desire, then you might have to simply back off and give the person more time to mature.

Healthy sense of money.
You most likely do not want to support someone else’s spending habits, so don’t. Try to remove the financial problems from the equation of love. Remember that money is also one of the leading causes for fights in a relationship. Be sure not to count someone out because of the amount of money they make. Watch the person, if they try to win your love with money, then this should be a sign telling you to step back from this person. This person could possible be trying to buy your love.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.
