Tuesday, March 18, 2008

MaiH & Yums

Thanx to my dearest fren, Maih & Yums. U gals really make my day. I'm in a good mood today. May this mode-happy mood, last forever. Aminn... (^_^)

Satu persoalan. Btol ke guys suka layan gal dengan mesra walaupun he means nothing. Dia takde maksud to make d gal his. But somehow d gal fall for him without realizing that she's just 'teman tapi mesra' to him.. Cruel, aite??? Pity d gal, too. But it does happen. How to avoid it from happen?? Communication-the best way. Improve your communication skills so that there will no misinterpretation (apsal aku raser tak btol je penggunaan words ni. plz help me. thnanx in advance.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

apsal tetibe bangkitkan isu ni...hmmmm....(huhu)

nway, mmg byk bende ni sllu jadi...bese la...lelaki kkdg tak sedar die dh terlebey mesra smpai mbawa maksud lain kat pompuan tu. too much sugar can kill u (aku amik phrase drpd blog sorg player..huhuhu)

n talking about communication...how to communicate? kan u tell me how??? i need to know gak ni...hehehe

to b safe gals out there...kalu die terlebey2 mesra dgn korg...u guys pon terlebey2 mesra la balik...biar r die nak prsn ke ape...sape swuh pandai2 wat kat org camtu...meh kite wat balik....hehehehe (jgn ikut sgt nasihat tak btol aku ni...hehe)
