I am sooooo gonna watch this movie. Ehehehe...
Pe sbbnye??? Pertama sbb dr iklan nmpk mcm menarek. Arahan Khabir Bahtia. Pelakon2 pun agak2 gempak jugak.
Synopsis : Three individuals in the city learn the meaning of love, loss and loneliness in this romantic drama. Adam, a successful young chef, creates confectionery masterpieces for weddings, yet has still to find his own bride. Then there is Sufi, who each day runs for miles in an attempt to outrun the memories of his dead wife. Finally, there is Ariel, a young playwright who discovers that theatre is a stage of where her past is finally resolved and her future is unveiled. All three strangers are inevitably linked to a single dramatic moment that transforms their lives forever.
Lagik, scene penggambaran tuh kat my hometown. Seriusly beb. So, lets go & watch this movie.

Tgk la kedua2 pic ni. Do u know where is the place??? Yesss... I know it.
aku tau aku tau. kat tmn tasik tepeng!!!! yey!!!! hehe
yeiii... sploh markah tuk yums kerana telah menjawab dgn tepatnye. ehehehe... nnti kalau aku berkesempatan maser blk tepeng, akan ku rakamkan juga photo di tempat mereka wat pegambaran. lalala... excited terlebeh sudah aku ini...
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