Wednesday, May 28, 2008

it's hard to let go

Citer d Ugly Betty smlm btol2 terkesan kat aku. Isk2... Sygnye aku tak dpt menumpunkan sedikit pun perhatian ketika citer tuh ditayangkan. Without sutitle, it's hard for me to undestand wat the actors + actress said. Isk2... Keadaan umah aku yg kebisingan melampau. Sabor je la... Tp aku tetap layan gak Betty.

Saper sokong Betty ngan Gio?????

Saya... Saya...


Tp tu la. Betty br break up ngan Gio. Die tak tau adakah maser yg btol tuk die jatuh centa kembali. Dalam maser yg singkat selepas pemergian Henry. Well, aku pun pernah raser cam tuh suatu ketika dulu. Aku raser bersalah sgt nak mulakan persahabatan baru sdgkan aku br break up. Isk2...

Bagi sstgh org yg cam Hilda, mb dieorg dpt teruskan hubungan dengan kawan baru walaupun baru sj break off. Owh... I wish I am like that too.. Don't care what others might say bout me. Sygnye... Aku bukan begitu.

Gio takmo jadi rebound. Aku pun samer. Biler jadik rebound nih sgt bahaya. Unless u r confident with urself that u can win his/her heart from the ONE before. Susah beb... Walaupun aku tak pernah xpriencenya (jd rebound gal) & I don't want to xprience it... Thanxx..

Nakkkkkkkkkkkkkk.... Nak sgt all the collection for this season - Ugly Betty. De byk drama. Terkesan watak Wiliemena. Aku benci die. Isk2...

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