Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Last Saturday I met my bestie, Dj. Best r die. Skang nih dah live on her own. Walaupun terkadang leh sesak nafas biler kene tym kene spend lebih. But I believe in her. She will survive. Hahahaha...

BESTIE??? Do anyone believe that a gal & a guy can be best friend without any self interest after a few years you guys be best friend. Coz I don't believe that a guy & a gal could be best friend without any self interest tak kesot la dari pompuan or laki tuh. My exprienced was from the guy. I'd lost 2 my best male friend. Ahaksss...

Ni akibat terbawa ngan novel Cecelia Ahern, Where Rainbows End. Skit lagik aku nak khatam dah. Tinggal less than 1/4 kot. This time I don't jump or read the ending. Kang antiklimaks je. Tros takde mud nak bersungguh2 bcer till the end. As I told u before, it's a stori of Alex & Rosie. A boy & a girl.

Diaorg kwn baik since 5 smpai la part aku bacer nih diaorg dah umur 32. Walaupun Alex pindah ke Bonston ikot famili die at the age of 17 & Rosie left behind in Dublin, they still best friend. I'm kinda jelous with Rosie because she haa 2 best friends. One female & the other one is Alex, a male. Hahahaha...

But thanx to God coz I have this wonderful bestie and also the other friends. Love u guys. Walaupun aku tak contact korg, korg tetap dlm ingatan.

***MaiH, biler la hg nak abeh krusus ni. It's been too long. Penantian satu penyiksaan. Wakakaka...

***WanZara, hows ur job hunting?? Dah de ke yg mengena?? Let me no ek.. Mari menghitung hari tuk big day Wanee.. Lalalala...

***Maizatul, moga kite bertemu di hari kenduri Wanee. Walaupun no news pasal invitation card Wanee, akan ku hadiri juga kenduri die.. (^_^)

***Yums, lamer tol tak chat ngan ko ek.. Takpe. I know u r busy rite now. Nnti ko dah free kiter gossipin ek?? Seems like u have good news to announce je. Hahahah....

***Shema yg br menyambut ehem ehem baru. Nnti jgn lupa kat aku lak. Meh la tuh sini. Bawak skali ehem ehem ko tuh. Ehehehe...

***Rizal, my best cousin. Ahaksss... Biler plak ko jadik best cousin aku?? Anyway, I wish u all the best. Nak aku promote pasal ko ke?? Attention to gals out there, my
kacak's cousin is single... Hikhikhik...

De lagik nm kengkwn aku. Tp tak tersenari lak kalau nak wat ucapan sebegini rupa tuk setiap org. Ahaksss...

Awa, Azni, Noraini, Wanee, WanZeti, Najmi, Atirah, Diana, Effi, Safuraa, Atul, Odah, Maisarah, Kate, Zamira, Dayah Aktuari, Dayah(dak kecik), etc...

Ramai la.. Nak namakan sesorg. Owh, kalau korg perasan there is no guy's name. Bcoz, I don't have many guy's friend. De la kot less than 20. Isk2... Kasihan aku.


Anonymous said...

haluuuu gal....btol2...lama tak chat dgn ko....waaaa....windu2....ko tu yg byk citer. n btw, wut do u mean by 'ade gud news to annouce' haa....huhuhuhu

p/s:like i always say, i wish u all d happiness in da world...cyg ko gak gf...

p/s 2: mcm best je buku cecilia ahern yg ko tgh baca tu...ade yg gi bli gak ni kang....hehehe

Anonymous said...

I tot mb u hv some GUD NEWS to tell me. terasa cm de bau2 gud news je. correct me if i'm wrong, dear. but if u had a gud news & tak gtau, takmo kawan. ehehehe... marilah kt bergosip biler masing2 tak bizi. need to noe about ur life coz u can read mine thru my so-called dairy nih. ahaksss..
