"Ask yourself if you give yourself fully or if you flee from your emotions, but do not ask yourself if your L0V3 is big enough, because L0V3 is NEITHER BIG NOR SMALL, it's SIMPLY L0V3. You cannot measure a feeling the way you measure a road, If you do that, you will start comparing your L0V3 with what others tell you of theirs or with your own expectations of L0V3. That way, you will always be listening to some story, rather than following your own path."
quote from : Paolo Coelho
aiik. somethin fr paulo coelho? i got u hooked on to him right? ;p bleh x buang word verification tu. leceh a nk komen. hehe
me love to collect quote too ma.. (^_^) btol poin yg paulo coelho tuh kate. cume bg org besa cam I nih tak reti nak luahkan dlm ayat yg cantek begitu. so, copy paste je r.
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